Ukraine launches cyber resilience of business survey – companies are encouraged to join
CISO Ukraine Association together with Octava Defense, Accord Group and Cisco invite CIOs and CISOs of Ukrainian enterprises to take part in a cyberresilience survey.
Survey Background
The full-scale Russian invasion into Ukraine had a significant impact on all life processes of enterprises and organizations. Ukrainian cyber defenders were able to quickly mobilize and adapt their work to the challenges of wartime.
However, against the backdrop of an increase in the number and quality of threats, problems within the industry (lack of personnel, inefficiency in the use of technical means of protection, lack of a systematic approach, etc.) are exacerbated and become critical for the resilience of organizations.
That is why the CISO Ukraine Association, an association of leading industry experts, decided to conduct a survey to systematize and describe the levels of development of the cybersecurity function, typical for Ukrainian organizations, and to identify strategies for strengthening cyberresilience.
The purpose of the survey is to help Ukrainian companies and organizations find mechanisms and practices to increase cyber resilience now during the First World Cyber War.
Participation in the survey
To take a survey by CISO Ukraine Association click here.
The survey will last from 12/01/2022 to 01/20/2023. Participants are invited to fill the questionnaire on their own or share their observations during a personal interview with project coordinators. Time to complete the survey: 10 minutes.
For each completed survey questionnaire, the organizers will donate 100 hryvnias to the Educational Initiatives Foundation, which, together with UNDP, creates educational STEM hubs for internally displaced persons: children, youth and their parents. In our quest to make the world a safer place today, we make sure that Ukrainian youth have the opportunity and digital competencies to keep it safe tomorrow.
Expected results for industry participants
Based on the results of the study, the organizers will prepare a comprehensive report on the maturity of cybersecurity systems in three aspects:
• technological,
• operational,
• organizational.
Ukraine is currently going through the most tragic times in modern history, and at the same time it is the moment of the greatest unity of the Ukrainian people. Members of the CISO Ukraine Association believe that research during this period is extremely necessary and informative, therefore they encourage colleagues to participate.
A report on the survey results will be available in early 2023.